We are a community of birth workers, devoted to deep embodiment, resilience, and remembrance of what it is to walk the spiritual path of Birthkeeping.

The Spirit of Birthkeeping is a supportive & integrative space for those inspired by and devoted to the path of Birthkeeping.

We integrate practical education and tools with spiritual embodiment and ritual to weave our personal and collective visions for this path. In service to the earth, following the seasons and our own body wisdom, we move and serve from deep resource and support, dedicated and in reverence to liberating birth. 

Here we explore the relationships among spirit, life, birth, and death in a community of fellow birth workers. We focus on what we need in order to best take care of ourselves and each other. We offer tools and practices that support us in showing up more fully to our work with a sense of true belonging to Spirit, the earth, ourselves, and to the SBK global community.

There’s an ancient thread of creation, 

linking us back to the stars and the moon,

carried from womb to womb. 

It shows up in our DNA, cells, dreams, smiles, and ancient knowing.

This thread, weaves a web, 

alive with wisdom & stories.

The SPIRIT of Birthkeeping bows to this cosmic knowing, 

tending these threads, 

so that new ways seep into our bones 

into a new and ancient web of life

so that these threads are nourished 

to continue to weave a tapestry of beauty.

that finds the gold in the journey

that bows to the initiation 

that alchemizes pain, grief, and sorrow 

into wings to fly. 

The Spirit is the thread 

and we are the weavers.


Many birthworkers enter this work because we see the village needs tending. Mamas and families need more care. We see that the networks of support are often lacking and incomplete. We do this work to mend these broken threads of our systems, and yet...our work is also often done alone. We want to change that. We uniquely know what it is to be a worker in the field of birth today. We know what this work requires and oftentimes demands of our bodies, hearts, and our energies. This path deserves a web of support. Here at SBK we believe that we need a community of birth workers to support us in our thriving.

- Bringing Spirit Back To Birth -

We are currently enrolling for our 9-month program
beginning October 12, 2023

founded in sisterhood

We are three doulas, three birthworkers, three women, and dear friends called by Spirit and by each other to show up, serve, love each other well, and thrive together. We are here because we cannot do this without each other and because we are not meant to. We are activists, rebels, movers, creators, storytellers, leaders, travelers, full-belly laughers, and total fucking goofballs, here to dream a new way, and to birth that vision into reality. 

Being a birthworker today is an incredible calling of devotion, power, and presence. And in order to show up as fully as we can, we need to be nourished…by land, by spirit, by art, and by each other. We are here to hold space for you, as you move along your path as a birth keeper…to support this community to be one of deep service for all those who hold these life transitions as sacred. We are devoted to the devoted birthworker.